Follow my blog with bloglovin Sam Harvey: Great Feedback

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Great Feedback

Minnie Jeanne was the focus of today's Executive Forum. The Forum is a intimate group made up of local business owners that hold each other in strict confidentiality. At first I thought we would be highly scrutizined since this is our first year establishing Minnie Jeanne. I was pleasantly surprised that everyone in the group asked great questions and recommendations.  We were asking them about our branding and future selling opportunities. I especially liked the idea of studying other companies who are doing what we want to be doing and following their business system model. That seems logical enough. It was refreshing to be there today and look at the whole picture instead of just my Man Bag.  I have lots to think about right now. One of the ideas to chew on is an over arching brand name that Minnie Jeanne and Sam Harvey can live under.  Being the innovator that I am, this won't be too difficult. It also felt really great to give Robert Vance a festive container of granola today.  Vance has been a instrumental player in promoting Minnie Jeanne in the Spa community. Thanks Robert. Enjoy your granola!

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