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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Unfettered, Unadultered Fly Fanny Pack

 He does a mean UNDERDOG on the swings.  What does your fanny pack say?

Hey kids. What's it?  I have a new VIEW textile journal.  This 306-ish page journal is ULTRA cool.  Better than UNICORNS or UNKENNELED dogs.   More military, flowy gauzy UNIFORMS.  Oh and bigger buns.  On the head.   It is about Winter of 10/11 so there are wonderul fabric directions that involve giant ULTRASONIC knitted sweaters.  Wanna see? 

She is so not UNDERDRESSED.  She may be UNDERFED though.  Maybe.  My need for this sweater is UNCRUSHABLE. 

 Special thanks to David R Shah who tells it like it is.  David says that "According to a Gallup Poll for USA Today, 32 percent of Americans are saving more than they were a year ago."  Hold on to your UMBILICAL CORD for this one, "In China, the elder generation saves from 40-50 percent".  My UMBRELLA is not taking this well.  It just broke, too much UNDERCURRENT. 


 I skipped to the back of the View where the forecasts live.  "These yellows, golds and tumeric oranges are set against a backdrop of passive neutral layers that emphasize their singular status, blithely eclipsing the competition with their easy energy."

Introducing, Knitwear forecast for Summer 2012

View Textile Magazine Issue 90

So 2012, the capabilities of thread will not be UNDERESTIMATED.  Woven raffia textures, ruffled tea bag looking rosettes and ruffled organic gauged layers.  UNDULATING tea bagger UNIFORMS.


This is what I like to do with yellow paint.  You can UNDERWRITE it.  Yes, I painted this.

Put all that in Lily's UNIQUE microwave.  I want to see less cobra next time mmmmmmmmKay?

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